Like Sinn Féin it never mentions ANY of the thousands IRA’s Human Rights’ violations.?
When it comes to the self-styled Director of the Pat Finucane Centre, Paul O’Connor, he is unmasked as an IRA member who had involvement in the murder of another IRA volunteer in Londonderry, Jim O’Hagan. After which he went 'on the run' for several years. O’Connor was subsequently forced to make admissions in both The Irish News and The Irish Times about his hidden past, but only after the Pat Finucane Centre had made a statement hours earlier decrying the allegations as false and as part of a British or Loyalist attempt to discredit the Centre and its work.!
News Letter, 22.11.2019 - literally within hours of this denial, Paul O’Connor himself admitted to journalists that he had indeed been an IRA volunteer and that photographs of him in a group of armed IRA men in the Bogside were genuine. Paul O’Connor had for many years led a campaign highlighting so-called 'British and Loyalist human rights breaches' without substance or evidence while he masqueraded as a so-called trustworthy and independent 'human rights' activist gaining the ear of prominent politicians worldwide, especially within the Irish government. When photo's of Paul O’Connor armed with a rifle at an IRA checkpoint (Hoggs Folly in the Bogside or a transit van with IRA weaponry) did his funders demand that he stand down, No.?
Did they not similarly call into serious question his activities in the Pat Finucane Centre as a so-called Human Right's Organisation, No.?
Paul O’Connor for nearly 40 years hid his involvement in the murder of Jim O’Hagan, his involvement in gun and bomb attacks in Londonderry, his sworn allegiance to the IRA, a nefarious criminal cabal and the single greatest denier of Human Rights and Civil Rights in Northern Ireland. Also his sworn allegiance to the many lies required to be told by and on behalf of the IRA.
Paul O’Connor raised monies for this allegedly bona fide Human Right's Organisation, from governments and other bodies, while he hid his IRA credentials and was regularly seen and photographed in the company of well-known IRA leaders in Belfast and Londonderry.
Paul O’Connor was then interviewed as a credible star witness in 'Unquiet Graves' without any form of warning to viewers about his many years of dishonesty, double-life, secret bias and lies. He alone brings into question RTE credibility and also of RTE as an independent and ROI publicly-funded entity.
Should the viewers not have been warned of O’Connor’s lies, cover-ups and past.? Should the documentary makers not have warned viewers also of his hidden IRA past.? Why hasn’t there been interviews of the Pat Finucane Centre’s many Board Members about O’Connor’s dishonesty, lies and bias.?
Then not unsurprisingly the Irish Government said it would continue its funding of the Pat Finucane Centre without reconsidering its Director’s participation in IRA Human Rights and Civil Rights atrocities.?
But unbelievably it is also funded and sustained not just by the EU but by Stormont's Executive Office.???
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